ClassLine. Online Classroom for Educationally Impaired Students
ClassLine. Online Classroom for Educationally Impaired Students
Strategic Partnership in the school sector, supported by the EU under the program Erasmus+.
Lead partner:
FGU Aarhus (Denmark)
InterCollege ApS (Denmark)
Asociatia De Dezvoltare a Europei Prin Tineri – ADEPT (Romania)
Kocaeli İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü – KPDoNE (Turkey)
During the last 10 years the number of children and young people diagnosed in Denmark with mental disorders, such as social anxiety and depression, has tripled from 2354 to 7189. School is the ideal setting for intervention not only because it is the setting that interacts most with the target population but also because it is the arena for a broad range of meaningful experiences which can help young people to build their sense of identity, establish interpersonal relationships, and develop skills such as motivation, resilience and self-control.
However, the rate of absenteeism amongst young people suffering from mental health disorders is high. Numerous studies have identified poor mental health amongst the most important factors that determines absenteeism or early dropouts from schools in Europe. The statistics from World Health Organisation (WHO) are not encouraging either. WHO shows that in Europe 29% of 15-year-old girls and 13% of 15-year-old boys reported “feeling low” more than once a week. Depression and anxiety disorders are among the top five causes of the overall disease burden.
Based on this, the need to offer alternative education solutions to school students who struggle with mental health
disorders, such as social anxiety and depression, obstructing their school attendance and, worse, leading to school dropout was identified.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the project is to reduce school absenteeism amongst European learners in secondary and upper secondary levels who are obstructed from physical participation in the classroom, mainly but not limited to due to mental health disorders.
The aim of the project will be addressed through the following objectives:
1. To develop online solutions for remote education targeted especially to learners with mental health disorders, but also to learners with chronic diseases or temporary physical disabilities.
2. To foster online teaching in Europe for educationally impaired learners.
The partners will develop an online teaching platform allowing access to any school in Europe to upload their pre-made classes and/or conduct online teaching through live streaming. By the end of the project, FGU Århus and KPDoNE will already provide online teaching to students who cannot attend the school either because of a mental health issue (e.g. social anxiety), a chronic disease (e.g. cancer) or a temporary physical impairment. Each institution will pre-develop online classes for English and Science, following their national curriculum (G-level for Denmark and 7th grade for Turkey).