Introduction to Urban Permaculture

Introduction to Urban Permaculture – An Initial VET Course

Strategic Partnership in the VET sector.

Lead partner:

FGU Aarhus (Denmark)

Other Partners of the consortium:

InterCollege ApS (Denmark)
Central European Chamber of Commerce (Poland)
International Internships (Romania)
Kocaeli İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü – KPDoNE (Turkey)
Permakulture Dalmacija (Croatia)
Interbildung (Germany)

Project Summary:

The project aim: Develop and initiate an introductory course in urban permaculture as part of a wider initial vocational education for learners with fewer opportunities.

The project has been developed based on three trends:
VET trend – is changing from focusing on learning a narrow set of skills for a pre-defined, traditional vocation, to offering broader transversal competencies for a dynamic labour market with transversal sectoral needs.

Demographic trend – EU’s urban population will grow from around 70% in 2020 to over 80% by 2050. A 10% increase in 30 years could result in 45 million more people living in cities across the EU.

Social, Cultural, Political trend – The EU’s urban development policy emphasises an integrated sustainable approach: ‘The various dimensions of urban life – environmental, economic, social and cultural – are interwoven and success in urban development can only be achieved through an integrated approach.’

These principles outlined by the Commission’s compliment and correspond with the emerging trends and grassroots movements of Permaculture

Project Output:

The partners of the project developed an initial VET course in urban permaculture for learners with fewer educational opportunities (young people who face challenges in engaging in traditional educational routes).

The course consists of a 15-day training framework with learning objectives, and training methods covering four modules:
Module 1: Introduction to Permaculture                                                                                                                    Module 2: Outdoor Permaculture
Module 3: Indoor Permaculture
Module 4: Urban Wildlife

Download the Manual here.