Non-formal Education Renewing Didactics in Science – N.E.R.D.S. Strategic Partnership in the school sector

Non-formal Education Renewing Didactics in Science

Strategic Partnership in the school sector

Lead partner:

InterCollege ApS

Other Partners of the consortium:

Zagreus associazione culturale (Italy)
Asociata de Dezvoltare a Europei Prin Tineri – ADEPT (Romania)
Kocaeli İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü – KPDoNE (Turkey)
InterCollege (UK) (United Kingdom)

Target Groups within the project:

– Teachers or youth workers who currently work, or intend to work, in the field of science education
– The end target group of the methods are students aged between 11 and 14 years old.
– The target group of the online platform is people involved in science education.
– The target group of the videos is mainly children/young people, but it can involve people of every age.


Science plays a key role in the achievement of a sustainable world. Therefore, fostering science and innovation is a central priority for the EU. At the same time the low percentage of graduates from natural sciences, mathematics, statistics, and information and communication technologies is a clear signal of the loss of interest in scientific subjects that is affecting the EU.

Moreover, a dangerously growing distrust in science seems to be spreading among the population. When people say they don’t like science, it’s most likely because of a bad experience they had during the learning process. This “educational trauma” often turn into a rejective attitude towards scientific subjects and sometimes the scientific community. It’s important, then, to foster science education and improve the learning process.

Aim and Objectives:

The aim of the project is to foster improvements in school science education, preventing disengagement in science caused through Educational trauma.

The following objectives have been identified:
– Develop new methods in science education that foster student engagement and inquisitiveness
– Share and utilise best practices from Non formal education within the school sector
– Develop an active network of pedagogues with a commitment to innovation in science learning
– Foster the recognition of the role of science in society and daily life


During the project the partners will develop at least 18 Non-Formal Methods for teaching science to 11-14 year olds (addressing Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and Computer Science), which will be available on an online platform dedicated to Non-Formal Science Education, and a video series about the importance of science in today society.

