Value Adding Project

“Value Adding Projects” is a strategic partnership supported by The EU under the program Erasmus+.

Lead partner:

NITIN – Nordisk Institutt for Trening og Internasjonalt Nettverk (Norway)

Other Partners of the consortium:

InterCollege (UK) Ltd
InterCollege ApS
Vitale Tecnologie Telecomunicazioni – Viteco S.r.l.

Project Summary:

The introduction of the new Erasmus + Programme has not been an easy transition for NGO’s within the European Union. It is substantially more complicated and longer than the previous programmes and it requires a high level of background knowledge to be fully understood.

Once the organizations manage to acquire all the necessary information about the new programmes the next challenges rise when they intend to implement it in their organizations. It requires a strong organizational capacity with competent project managers with advanced project management tools.

Although there is a lot of material on different project management approaches, they are all designed for organizations that don’t require a 3rd party to finance their projects. This lack of Project Management Standards for NGO’s (or for donor financed projects) causes difficulties for organizations in their efforts to successfully implement the new Programmes.


The aim of this project is to fundamentally strengthen NGO’s capacities to take potent/influential actions in the frameworks of the Erasmus + Programme.


-To enable organizations to easily understand the Erasmus + Programme, the Europe 2020 Strategy, the ET 2020 and other important EU Policies;
-To strengthen the organizations ability to address successfully the objectives outlined by Erasmus + Programme, the Europe 2020 Strategy, the ET 2020 and other important EU Policies;
-To enable organizations to satisfy the needs of all of their stakeholders;
-To provide organizations with efficient Project Management methods and standards that focus on efficiently aligning the EU Policies with local needs.

Results of the project:

The project has created the following intellectual outputs:

Project Management Standards:

Call for partners

Expression of Interest

Memorandum of Understanding

Participant Declaration

Application form for Youth Workers

Application form for Young People

Evaluation Form Young People

Evaluation Form Youth Worker


Explanatory video – Europe 2020

Explanatory video – ET 2020

Explanatory video – Renewed Framework

VAP Participant

VAP Partner


Project Change Diagram

Objective Cards (Coloured Version , Printing-friendly version)

Erasmus+ Map